Solo exhibition at FELLINI Gallery in Kyoto


京都ATO Hotelにあるフェリーニギャラリーにて2021年4月16日(金)〜11月5日(金)*まで個展開催。

4月16日(金)17:30〜20:00 オープニングパーティー

 17:30/ 18:00/ 18:30/ 19:00/ 19:30/ 20:00

会場: FELLINI Gallery
606-8386 京都市左京区川端より二筋目 仁王門下る 新丸太町78番地3
TEL: 0757625575

FELLINI Gallery proudly presents "Imagine" a solo exhibition featuring Tomomi Watanabe. Tomomi paints to express the beautiful colors of particle energies of the natural world and the forever changing scenery of a beautiful moment. By utilizing the theme "Imagine" she hopes that the viewers will remember the beautiful scenes of nature from their memories and expand their imagination.

Vernissage on Friday, April 16, 17:30- 20:00.
The cocktail reception begins at 17:30.

According to Covid policy, entrance time will be strictly followed: 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00.Please be sure to RSVP as this is an exclusive event: info@fellinigallery.

comVenue: FELLINI Gallery
78-3 Shinmarutamachi, 606-8386, Kyoto, Japan
TEL: +81757625575MAP 

© 2016 Tomomi Watanabe All rights reserved
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